Friday, November 28, 2008

My Boone Visit

I went to visit Jaime, Ben, Maple and Alaska the end of October. I spent two wonderful weeks there and had so much fun being with them and being able to hug Maple and Alaska and give them all my stored up grandmotherly love!

Another neat thing was being able to be a part of Maple's first trick-or-treating experience. She actually got to trick or treat twice. Before Halloween we all gathered at the library - then the kids and parents paraded to downtown Boone where they trick-or-treated at all the stores.

Then on Halloween, the Mall had the kids come trick-or-treating -- Maple was so cute and such a little trouper. We were lucky to go a little earlier to the Mall so she could get started right at 5:00 before too many kids got there!

Another big event that only a Grandma can love is the fact that while I was there Alaska broke through his first two teeth. Although it wasn't a pretty situation, GramZee loved being able to experience it.

Man, I wish we lived closer!

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Seattle Visit

Wow, what a busy couple of months I have had! The end of September I went to Seattle to see Erin. I had so much fun while I was there. Just being able to meet all of her housemates and see where she is living was so comforting to me. She has great housemates - I thoroughly enjoyed them. They live in a great house! It is a beautiful older home that overlooks the Sound. They said it belonged to the Chief of Police of Seattle in the early 1900's! It really saddens me that the present owners are going to tear it down to build their dream house because the house has so much charm and is so filled with love!

Erin and I took a trip to Pike's Market. We took the Water Taxi over which was so much fun for me. I got to see the Fish Mongers and of course checked out a quilt shop! I am looking forward to going back and visiting and seeing more of Seattle!